
How Do You Fix A Horses Fuzzy Tail

Tail rubbing can be a frustrating problem. Sometimes the cause of your horse's itching isn't obvious, making the topicals you lot apply of little use. Sometimes the scratching itself results in irritation and more itching, condign the secondary cause that keeps your unhappy equus caballus rubbing away.

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Credit: Photo by Jennifer Paulson

Hither, we'll identify many of the potential causes of tail rubbing, plus give yous advice for helping information technology to end. Piece of work with your veterinarian as necessary to identify the cause of your horse's itching—and relieve information technology.

Bugs. Culicoides gnats (besides called midges, sand flies, or "no-see-ums") are the most common crusade of tail rubbing. These tiny blood-feeders are active at dawn and dusk through the spring and summertime in many areas, and some horses are extremely sensitive to their bites. The resulting allergic reaction, which affects multiple parts of the body, is known every bit sweet itch. What to do: If possible, keep your equus caballus stabled during key feeding times at dawn and dusk. (The insects don't similar to enter buildings; fans can provide an added deterrent.) Non-irritating bug-repellent sprays and gnat-proof sheets also help if your horse must be out. Your vet may prescribe corticosteroids and/or antihistamines to assist with itching until whatever open sores heal. (Note: Other bugs—such as ticks, mites, and lice—can also cause tail-rubbing, but are less common; follow your vet's advice for eradicating these.)

Pinworms. Adult pinworms crawl out of a horse'due south rectum to lay their eggs around the anus, causing intense itching. The eggs are difficult to come across with the naked eye. Though pinworms are frequently suspected showtime, they're now a less-common cause of tail rubbing thanks to deworming agents. (Most, such as ivermectin and pyrantel, are effective confronting pinworms.) What to do: Thoroughly deworm all horses on the premises with a product that's at to the lowest degree 90-percent effective against pinworms. Inspect and clean rear ends as needed, plus decontaminate waterers, feeders, and tail-rubbing spots to eliminate as many devious eggs as possible.

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Dirt, sweat, dry out peel. Tail rubbing can be prompted past muddy, sweaty skin on the dock, under the tail, in/around the sheath or udder, or in the crack between the hind legs. Harsh cleaning or fly-repellent products that dry the skin in these delicate areas tin also cause irritation that leads to rubbing. Sunburn on the dock can cause itching, also. What to do: Keep all of your horse'south individual areas clean and well-rinsed. Minimize irritants such as harsh detergents or shampoos; favor moisturizing, healing ingredients such every bit aloe vera. Utilise soothing salves, ointments, or creams to irritated areas to promote healing. Also provide UV protection as needed for vulnerable skin.

Other allergies. Apart from Culicoides reactions, in rarer cases tail rubbing can be the result of an allergic response to something in your horse'due south environment (such every bit contact dermatitis from, say, his bedding) or to a type of feed (alfalfa, wheat, oats, bran, or various additives can be allergens). What to practice: This is a tough 1. Remove suspected allergens from your horse's nutrition or environment to the extent possible. For contact dermatitis, your vet may prescribe corticosteroids and/or antihistamines to keep your horse comfortable until signs subside. If yous suspect a food allergy, an equine nutritionist's advice may also be helpful.

Addiction. When the chief cause of tail rubbing persists over time, the behavior can become habitual. This is specially true for horses that are confined and lack grazing and/or equine companionship. What to do: Go along your horse clean, comfy, and as irritant-free equally possible to give him a chance to "forget" the beliefs over fourth dimension. Providing for his social needs—ideally grazing with pasture-mates during non-buggy times—will help to keep him happily occupied.

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How Do You Fix A Horses Fuzzy Tail,


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