
How To Fix Woocommerce Product Page In Wordpress Theme

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types of woocommerce issues

WooCommerce is one of the virtually pop, powerful, extendable, and simple eCommerce platforms for WordPress, giving you absolute command over your shop.

One does not need to look further for whatsoever other platform with its advanced features and scalability.

Your possibilities are countless when it comes to WooCommerce. It is an all-in-one plugin for your eCommerce store.

But, the 'Add to Cart' feature that WooCommerce provides for any WordPress site is just a needle in the haystack. Information technology has a plethora of features to offer to merchants. With these space features come a variety of technical WooCommerce issues likewise.

In this blog, we have tried to resolve the most common WooCommerce bug faced by yous and many more than merchants in the eCommerce industry.

WooCommerce Issues

Rightly remarked, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And once you install the WooCommerce plugin, in due class, you may notice out that it is non absolutely flawless.

These defects can cost you time, which is all the more of import if yours is an eCommerce shop. The longer your website will accept to recover from those faults, the more people will be dismayed past your eCommerce store.

With an eCommerce shop, you desire your website to work relentlessly. A slight fault may toll you lot a lead or revenue, resulting in a substandard customer feel.

We have handpicked the most widely asked WooCommerce problems by the users from various platforms from their offset-hand experiences. Find out in the sections below if your problem is listed or non!

If you are using WooCommerce, there is a high probability you might encounter one or more of these WooCommerce bug. Just in case you come by any of these in your journey, you volition take the solutions right in hand:

Mutual WooCommerce Errors

You can find your solution by directly jumping to your pain point in the table beneath.

  • Why is My WooCommerce Store Slow?
  • Plugins and Theme Squabble
  • WooCommerce Cache Issues
  • Missing Download Links from Completed Order Emails
  • Email Notification Errors
  • WooCommerce Image Size Compatibility
  • Checkout Issues in WooCommerce
  • WooCommerce Server Configuration Bug
  • PHP Fatal Errors
  • Maximum Execution Time Exceeded

1. Why Is My WooCommerce Shop Irksome?

Ordinarily Asked Questions:

  • My WooCommerce website product pages are very tedious. How tin can this be stock-still?
  • I want to create an eCommerce website with 25k products on WooCommerce. How can I manage the speed and is it a good platform for making such a large website?
  • How practise I improve the WooCommerce WordPress page loading speed?


eCommerce stores have vast databases that result in the tedious movement of your website. A fast-loading website is extremely necessary for an online store. would lose billions; had its website been wearisome even by one 2nd!

How to Set up it?

increase speed issue

Fast loading websites increment page views and go along customers engaged, boosting up your conversions. The problem here may be that of your spider web hosting provider.

Cheap web hosting plans may seem similar better options when you are just starting with an eCommerce store, but with time and increased traffic, you may consider taking upwards premium versions from the best web hosting providers.

With shared hosting plans, you are sharing the server resource with other people that may take up less bandwidth merely makes your website slow. So, basically, avoid them. Y'all are working for your security besides.

Become for managed hosting that may exist expensive but proves to exist efficient in driving a lot of traffic.

Too improving your hosting services, y'all can also try one of these methods to improve your website loading speed:

  • Minimize CSS, JavaScript, and HTML on your WooCommerce Store
  • Remove Render Blocking JavaScript
  • Employ browser cache
  • Improve server response time
  • Utilize a content delivery network (CDN)
  • E'er use optimized images for your website

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two. Plugins and Themes Squabble

Usually Asked Questions:

  • Are the WordPress plugins compatible with all themes?
  • What WordPress themes are compatible with WooCommerce?
  • How does WooCommerce piece of work with WordPress themes?

What are the Theme and Plugin Conflicts? When you lot add plugins, you are enhancing the functionality of your website. Every new plugin adds to the store of codes of your website. But their compatibility does not always match with others resulting in WooCommerce bug.

woocommerce issue theme plugin conflict

Information technology is a breakup that originated from fragments of codes giving ambivalent signals. Third-party applications find it difficult to sync with WooCommerce.

You may observe conflicts between plugins and themes as well.

How to Fix it?

Since WooCommerce is self-sufficient, other themes and plugins have been designed keeping that fact in mind. Therefore, to ascertain the culprit, we need to know from which end the trouble is arising.

Theme Conflict

  • Go to AppearanceThemes.
  • Now set and activate whatever default theme and bank check if the trouble still occurs.

If the problem resolves, and so the fault lies in your theme. You tin can enquire your theme provider to solve this consequence.

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Plugin Conflict

If the problem persists, then it may exist one of your plugins.
And then, how to fix WooCommerce plugin problems?

  • Go to PluginsInstalled Plugins.
  • Inactivate every plugin that is non a WooCommerce extension.

If the trouble disappears, then 1 of your plugins is the culprit.

You need to find out which plugin is causing an issue past activating your plugins one by one.

And one time you observe out the baddie, you lot tin get rid of that plugin and detect a suitable culling. It is likewise possible that you might be using an outdated plugin.

Basic Tip Before Resolving Theme and Plugin Conflicts

Reactivating and deactivating plugins usually does not cause any mix-up, but if always y'all become stuck on it, always rely on backups. Information technology helps you conserve your time and energy.

The hosting providers generally provide a backup plan merely, in example you want options, Jetpack Backup is 1 such plugin that restores all the data of your website in a reliable way.

Make employ of a staging site. It is an act-alike of your real product site where y'all can examination your theme and plugin conflict without your alive website getting disturbed.

In this fashion, you also go saved from any loss of interest and overcome your WooCommerce problems together.

3. WooCommerce Issues of Cache

Normally Asked Questions:

  • How can I clear the enshroud in WordPress (step by stride)?
  • How do I purge the WordPress cache?
  • How does WordPress Cache work?

Non Aware of the Word Cache? Here is a quick bite- A enshroud is a hardware or software component that stores data such that information technology tin can be used later without any reanimation. The cache can likewise help in loading your website faster.

Fix WooCommerce cache Issues

How Does Cache Slow Your Website?

After going through the definition, it must come to your heed that cache is a helpful concept. But how does it slow down your customer experience? Here's how-

These take a vast database, larger than the advisory sites. The browser caching stores upwards data locally on your users' browsers. And, if y'all haven't eliminated the login pages from the caching system, the reset password process page for the customers will stop loading.

The users won't be able to reset passwords and hence end upward in assistance requests for login errors.

This is where a caching plugin helps you to meliorate the loading of your website. But if not set upwards correctly, they tin can be problematic for your WooCommerce store.

For instance,

Whatsoever eCommerce shop owner would not want the checkout pages or the cart pages to be cached. The reason is that this would block your customers from paying for their purchases or calculation more items to their carts.

How to Fix it?

Similar WooCommerce issues may arise if you brand major changes in your website and forget to clear caches. So, before yous set up a fresh WooCommerce store, yous may opt for WordPress caching plugins.

Commonly Asked Questions:

  • I am running the latest version of WooCommerce on a Nginx server with a MariaDB database and I have an result with the download link for some products. So I am sending out emails manually for such orders. The near problematic thing is that these are completely random.
  • My download link in the created order is missing. I read the documentation of WooCommerce to solve information technology with a table prefix. Information technology says that the tabular array woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions is missing. But in my database, it isn't missing and besides includes all customers and orders. Can yous assistance me with it?

It is obligatory to transport a link to the user in the email after they complete their digital purchase. Sometimes information technology so happens that the download links become missing from the e-mail of the customer.

no download link 1 no download link 2

This won't speak well of your website and could affect your buy and customer satisfaction rate. And if you only sell digital products, you lot need to work this WooCommerce outcome out.

It is probably considering the SQL table from your database called wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions is missing.

A few fresh SQL tables are affixed to your database when you activate WooCommerce. This process sometimes fails when the length of the SQL table prefix is longer than 64 characters.

You lot can detect the maximum length of every identifier in your database.

How to Set it?

The merely single solution to this problem is changing the name of your SQL log table. You can perform this with the assistance of a plugin.

  • Manually you can use tools like phpMyAdmin to rename and reduce the prefix of all tables.
  • So upgrade the value of the prefix in wp-config.php. Now, disband WooCommerce and reactivate information technology.

Doing and so volition compel WooCommerce to generate the missing SQL tables.

Quick Tips

  • Always backup your database and website before reactivating WooCommerce or whatever other such action.
  • To avoid any budding bug, keep your WordPress SQL table prefix shorter or equal to twenty characters.

5. Electronic mail Notification Errors

Ordinarily Asked Questions:

  • My WooCommerce store is not sending out 'order placed' emails. How exercise I manage information technology?
  • How do I fix WooCommerce notification issues with my WooCommerce store?

In general, for WordPress sites, the email notification problems are at the height among the back up questions. WooCommerce errors arise in your eCommerce store subsequently customers place their orders. Sometimes, fifty-fifty administrators don't receive emails.

WooCommerce Issues email issues

The customers expect a few types of emails, similar confirmation and tracking orders, or emails for refund and substitution. In addition to this, you need to transport other emails from your end to increase client satisfaction that builds trust.

How are notification emails sent in WooCommerce stores?

Most of the WordPress plugins use the wp_mail function to send emails. It is the cadre of the WordPress website, and similar to PHP, mail sends emails in PHP script.

How to Set it?

Allow me walk you through some common practices that you tin follow to counter e-mail deliverability issues and avoid further WooCommerce errors:

Check Your WooCommerce Email Setup

After navigating to WooCommerce email settings, you need to check two main options-

  • Private notification emails.
  • Email sender options.

For checking issues in electronic mail sender options-

Go to your WordPress dashboard→ WooCommerce→ Settings.

email settings

So get to theEmails tab.


Curl down to electronic mail sender options.

sender options

Afterwards this, confirm the From accost and From name. You can specify your name and email accost properly.

For checking bug in the individual notification emails, go to WooCommerce > Settings > email.

If the notification setting is not enabled, enable it and check if the correct email of the receiver is entered.

enable notification

Save Changes and test to come across if the emails are being sent out correctly.

Check If Emails Are Going to Spam Folders.

It is also possible that your emails may be going into the spam binder.

Your hosting provider tin effectively help y'all with this. Then, it will be a wise selection to approach them.

Apply SMTP Plugin

A Elementary Mail Transfer Protocol tin can aid you with sending emails. It is the all-time solution to any type of WooCommerce electronic mail issue.

Yous tin create an account and easily log in to check stats and other mail logs suitable to your service. You tin use WP Mail service SMTP by WPForms for the same.

vi. WooCommerce Image Size Compatibility

Usually Asked Questions:

  • How can I make the suitable size for my WooCommerce product images?
  • How do I make WooCommerce product thumbnails bigger on the admin page?
  • Is the size of featured images in WordPress determined past the theme or the user?

Displaying high-quality images is one of the most important factors for the successful working of your eCommerce store. These are more than important if you are showing carousels and galleries to your customer.

Imagine buying a T-shirt online without seeing it. The biggest disadvantage of an eCommerce shop is you cannot feel your product. The only matter left is to examine your product via images.

No affair how detailed an explanation you offer for a product, customer satisfaction, and trust lies in showcasing perfect pictures of the product.

Blurry pictures can lead to loss of sales, reduced conversion rate, and might even scare off your customers, whereas vivid and clear images tin upgrade your sales.

Superior quality images are also larger in size and take time to load. Issues in loading images result in slowing down your website. Information technology is one of the ordinary WooCommerce problems.

WooCommerce Image Types

Before knowing the solution, let u.s. understand that WooCommerce offers iii dissimilar image sizes which yous need to optimize for your eCommerce store:

Single Product Image:

It is the featured image, the largest for a single production.

product feature image

Catalog Prototype:

These are mid-sized images oft shown in related product searches, cross-sells, product category pages, or up-sell pages.

catalogue image

Product Thumbnails:

These are the smallest images often seen under unmarried product images, in carts, or as widgets.


How to Fix it?

How to fix WooCommerce image issues?

You can adapt the default image size by –

Navigating to WooCommerce→ Settings→ Products→ Display.

Fixing WooCommerce Blurry Paradigm Issues

  • Download the right-sized images. They must be 800 x 800px for well-nigh of the themes.
  • Shrink images properly. 2 MB is considered a regular size.
  • Updating to WooCommerce 4.4 or iv.half-dozen makes your images responsive and takes the load off you to optimize them manually.


Yous can modify and adjust default epitome sizes. If you haven't yet added swatches and variations to your eCommerce website, y'all can apply Advanced Product Variation for WooCommerce to customize production swatches for size, color, diverseness, or quantity.

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7. Checkout WooCommerce Issues

Normally Asked Questions:

  • Why is my WooCommerce checkout working slowly?
  • How to fix the WooCommerce checkout folio not working?
  • How do I remove the extra footstep on the WooCommerce checkout folio?

You should check your payment gateway configuration. Many times it so happens that your TLS certificate is not properly configured with your online store.

Almost eCommerce websites exercise non piece of work without an SSL or TLS certificate. So, getting that is compulsory. You lot won't even know that your website is running with breaks or not even proceeding to the final pace of the payment gateway.

If you are using a plugin for this purpose, you tin can seek their back up for fixing this WooCommerce outcome.

How to Fix it?

HTTPS Error Pages

These pages announced by and large when there is an outcome with your SSL certificate. You lot tin contact your hosting provider for this effect.

Identify Non-Secure Links

You can get non-secure content warnings when you link directly to images, stylesheets, or images over HTTP rather than HTTPS.

Redirection Loops

WordPress' is_ssl() function is used past WooCommerce for redirecting non-secure pages. This results in redirect loops when yous have an alternative SSL plugin installed.

Remove the alternative plugin and switch off the forcefulness SSL setting.

Note that later on installing an SSL document, yous need to update your WooCommerce URLs.

You can do then past going to Settings > General, including https:// and and so salve changes.

You can too bank check this with your hosting providers as sometimes your host makes HTTPS undetectable.

Authentication is some other vexatious error. You can install WooCommercepayment gateway plugins and solve problems with orders and payments. You may also have problems in managing orders on your WooCommerce website.

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Upselling tin can up your eCommerce sales significantly… Learn How!

8. WooCommerce Server Configuration Issues

Commonly Asked Questions:

  • How practice I fix a 500 internal server error on WordPress?
  • How practice I resolve 'WordPress File Upload Error; Failed to load resources; the server responded with a status of 404 (Non Plant) WordPress' in WordPress?
  • What does the WordPress mistake internal server mistake mean, and how tin this be fixed?

When your WooCommerce store does not receive whatsoever response from the server, it may sometimes result in an fault. This can happen due to the internal server also.

A. WooCommerce Error 404 (Server Error: Not Found)

This WooCommerce fault appears when a link is unreal, cleaved, or wrong. Editing your permalink settings tin can fix this issue.

WooCommerce Issues error 404

How to Fix it?

Log into your admin dashboard.

  1. Go to Settings→ Permalinks.
  2. Then check the Post proper noun.
  3. Click on Salvage Changes.


Doing this will snap your search engine indexing and delete all external links to your website.

To further fix this, you will have to fix upwardly 301 redirects which can be done using a simple 301 redirects plugin.

B. WooCommerce Fault – 500 (Internal Server Mistake)

WooCommerce fault 500 signifies that yous accept an internal server error.

WooCommerce Issues error 500

How to Fix it?

You lot tin can fix internal server errors past checking whether the .htaccess file is decadent.

  1. Via FTP login to the remote site and from the root folder of your WordPress website, find the .htaccess file.
  2. Rename your file and log into your site. You may have establish your solution.

If this doesn't work, effort uploading new WordPress core files.

C. WooCommerce Mistake – 503 (Service Unavailable)

If the server does not receive the correct PHP response, it often shows service unavailable.

WooCommerce Issues error 503

How to Fix it?

You can switch to your default theme and examine whether the 503 services unavailable error has gone or not.

If the error continues then you can contact your hosting provider.

D. WooCommerce Mistake- Getting the Remote Prototype

The WooCommerce store owners fetch images from a remote site and so present them to their users. The remote sites ofttimes produce server errors which result in snapped images.

How to Set it?

For this error, you can contact your hosting provider for increasing your server's maximum input time to 36000 from -1. (in seconds)

This time begins as soon as PHP is called on at the server and terminates when the execution begins. It is -1 by default which means that the max_input_time is used instead.

You can let unlimited time past setting information technology to 0.

A production error tin can also be encountered and resolved by contacting your hosting providers.

nine. Other WooCommerce Errors are PHP Fatal Errors

Ordinarily Asked Questions:

  • How can I solve this fault while installing the WooCommerce plugin? : PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in D:\\wordpresslocal\\apps\\WordPress\\htdocs\\wp-admin\\includes\\class-wp-filesystem-direct.PHP on line 81?
  • I changed the site URL in WordPress and at present there is a huge retentivity overload that crashes the MYSQL server. How can I set up this?

WordPress is based on PHP. Then, employ an updated version of PHP. This could boost your website.

Go far communication with your hosting provider if you exercise not observe a module on your cPanel for updating PHP. Always test the latest version in a local environs earlier using it on your production site.

PHP fatal errors are the reproving errors in PHP that instantly discontinue the script. You can rectify these errors yourself.

Fixing fatal WooCommerce errors:

A. Database Overloading

This mistake occurs afterward your website has been working for a long time and receiving orders such that it results in increasing the size of the website database.

Therefore, the fix limitation of your memory on PHP has been outstripped, giving rise to such WooCommerce issues.

How to Set up it?

Let united states of america now find out how to prepare common WooCommerce service errors.

Look for the wp-config.php file in the root folder of your remote site to expand its retentiveness.

wp config php

Click on Edit/View to open information technology in your text editor.


Thereafter, add to it the following code:

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

WooCommerce Issues memory limit

Go far touch with your host in example the error persists.

B. Maximum Execution Time Exceeded

This mistake is acquired due to a lingering plugin whose script takes more than enough time to execute. You may regulate the maximum execution fourth dimension of your website.

How to Set it?

Via FTP, connect to your remote files.

  1. So, go to the .htaccess file→ View/Edit.
  2. Add php_value max_execution_time 300 to the base of a file in the notepad programme.

WooCommerce Issues max execution time

Permit'southward Fix WooCommerce Bug!

Now that yous know all probable WooCommerce bug and how to prepare them, it'due south time for some activity.

Instead of waiting for your website to break downward, be prepared for whatsoever of the higher up WooCommerce issues that may arise in the near future.

Always Remember to Follow These Timely and Fitting Steps:

  1. Go on WooCommerce updated.
  2. Update all the plugins y'all use.
  3. Keep checking your theme compatibility.

Nosotros all know that trivial drops of water make a mighty ocean.

It'southward up to you if you lot want those drops to exist your efforts towards safeguarding your WooCommerce website and creating a mighty ocean of possibilities for its success, or yous can let those little drops be the common WordPress WooCommerce bug that become on concentrating and eventually plow into a huge corrigendum for your website.

Are You Still Unable to Resolve These WooCommerce Issues or Did Nosotros Miss Your Query?

We are happy to help… Reach out to united states of america for our WooCommerce maintenance services.

Happy Fixing!

Howdy, I am Anusha- a Wordsmith! I completed my technical didactics in Mechanical Engineering and enjoyed my days in the field effectually humongous machinery and all. But, since I had been an avid reader and a fluent writer, I considered writing as a career. I am here to offer insights nigh WordPress, WooCommerce, Digital Marketing & more than.

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